FT icons have been designed to work best at 40px width and height. At this size they align precisely with the pixel grid and do not appear blurry on screens with a Device Pixel Ratio of 1 (non-retina screens).

Finding an icon

Creating a new icon

Many applications use icons in different contexts so it's important to get feedback before adding new ones. If there is not an existing icon to meet your needs and you would like to create a new icon please raise in the #design-system-guild Slack channel for feedback. When we've decided to create a new icon it must meet a number of design and technical criteria:

  1. Icons must be a single colour (black)
  2. Icons must be square
  3. Icons must meet a need that is not already met by a pre-existing icon
  4. Icons should be suitable for reuse in more than 1 application
  5. Icons should align to a 40x40 pixel grid, with 10px padding on each side
  6. Icons should be a solid shape rather than outlines where possible
  7. Icons should have a minimum line thickness of 2px (including negative space thickness)
  8. Icons should have square rather than rounded corners where suitable
  9. Icons must meet technical criteria and naming conventions. The Origami team can help make sure these are met.